Sunday: Farewell, ESP 2014

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  • #4144
    Chuck Baker

    ESP 2014 is a wrap, and we’d like to thank the Meador family for again being the very best of hosts! Attendees, please take a moment to thank them personally as well – they take great care of all of us who come to ESP, and with great cheer as they go about it. They define hospitality.

    Thanks go as well to the many volunteers who each year make this happen, including Dave and Valerie Clark, Linda Cartwright, Anne Adkins, Jason Fry, Bill Flanagan, and Mark Jurena.

    Finally, but most importantly, thanks to the attendees, who come together for their common interest of sharing the wonder and awe of the universe around us, but share so much more in camaraderie and good humor through the week.

    To all, travel safely home, peace and joy in the coming year, and travel safely back to join us again next year, October 12-17, 2015.

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