M45 Pleiades taken by Phillip Jones of Frisco

M45 Pleiades taken by Phillip Jones of Frisco on 10/13/2023 with a ZWO ASI 6200MM camera through a Astro-Physics 140 StarFire EDF 10Micron GM2000 HPS II prime focus. 4 Lum x 3 Red x 3 Green x 3 Blue, 240s...
Read MoreEclipse taken by Theresa Zittritsch of Williston

Eclipse taken by Theresa Zittritsch of Williston on 10/14/2023 with a Canon EOS Ra camera through a TEC 140ED with 2X Televue Powermate and Baader solar film filter on Astro-Physics 1100GTO mount.. Images were processed and colorized in photoshop. Minimal processing was done but they are significantly minimized to fit in the size...
Read MoreIris Nebula, NGC7023 taken by Theresa Zittritsch of Williston

Iris Nebula, NGC7023 taken by Theresa Zittritsch of Williston on 10/12/2023 with a ASI2600MC camera through a TEC140ED with Astro Physics Quad Telecompressor Corrector on Astro Physics 1100 GTO mount. Approximately 4 hours of image acquisition of 240 second individual frames. Calibrated, aligned and stacked with Pixinsight, final processing with photoshop. The Iris nebula is a beautiful reflection nebula which is also associated with the star cluster Collinder...
Read MoreM42 and the Running Man Nebula taken by DAVID RIVENBURG of AUSTIN

M42 and the Running Man Nebula taken by DAVID RIVENBURG of AUSTIN on 10/26/2022 with a SBIG STF-8300C camera through a TMB 105 Refractor at prime...
Read MoreAnnular Eclipse Sequence taken by Randall Light of College Station

Annular Eclipse Sequence taken by Randall Light of College Station on 10/14/2023 with a Nikon D850 camera through a Daystar Scout 80mm. This is a sequence of images taken over the course of the eclipse. Note the large...
Read MoreEastern Veil taken by Tim Lewis of Cypress TX

Eastern Veil taken by Tim Lewis of Cypress, TX on 10/24/2022 with a Atik One 9.0 camera through a Takahashi TOA 130 on Mach One mount. LRGB 150 minute integration. Processed in...
Read MoreM45 taken by Simon Tan of Friendswood

M45 taken by Simon Tan of Friendswood on 11/01/2021 with a ASI2600MC Pro camera through a FOT106, prime focus, FL 636mm, f6. Total exposure 110 minutes (11x600s). Trying to fully utilize X-Bar Ranch’s pristine dark sky to capture the nebula details within M45, used longer than usual exposure sub (10 minutes), even risking over saturating the bright stars. Processed in PixInsight and fina resized/touch up in GIMP. See other photos in ESP’s Astrophoto Heaven!...
Read MoreAndromeda Galaxy, M31 taken by Randy Light of College Station

Andromeda Galaxy, M31 taken by Randy Light of College Station on 10/15/2020 with a Nikon D810A camera through a Nikon 600mm f/4 at f/4. Twenty five exposure of 120 seconds at ISO 3200 The lens was mounted on an Astro-Physics Mach1.. The images were processed with Pixinsight and Photoshop CC. There was 50 minutes of total exposure at f/4. This is equivalent to 200 minutes of exposure at...
Read MoreWitch’s Head Reflection Nebula, IC 2118 taken by Randy Light of College Station

Witch’s Head Reflection Nebula, IC 2118 taken by Randy Light of College Station on 10/17/2020 with a Nikon D810A camera through a The photos were taken with a Nikon 600mm f/4 lens at f/4. The lens was mounted on an Astro-Physics Mach1. Twelve 120 second images were obtained at ISO 3200.. images were processed with Pixinsight and Photoshop CC. The twenty four minutes of exposure at f/4 is equivalent to 96 minutes of exposure at...
Read MoreM52 & Bubble Nebula taken by Ernest Adams of San Antonio

M52 & Bubble Nebula taken by Ernest Adams of San Antonio on 11/05/2018 with a Canon T6 DSLR camera through a Es127 Refractor, Prime focus, CLS filter, iso 3200.. Processed in Nebulocity and Photoshop...
Read MoreM8 – Lagoon Nebula, M20 – Trifid Nebula Area in Sagittarius taken by Doug Holland of Houston

M8 – Lagoon Nebula, M20 – Trifid Nebula Area in Sagittarius taken by Doug Holland of Houston on 10/17/2017 with a Canon 450D – modified with Baader filter camera through a 200mm Canon f/2.8 L-Series Camera Lens at f/3.2. Celestron ASGT Mount, Guided with PHD2 Guiding Processed in PixInsight & Photoshop 25 x 4 minute...
Read MoreSagittarius Milky Way with Venus and Saturn taken by Ed Flaspoehler of Dallas, TX

Sagittarius Milky Way with Venus and Saturn taken by eflaspo of Dallas, TX on 10/28/2016 with a Canon Rebel SL-1 DSLR camera through a 24 mm wide field lens, f/5, 1 seconds, ISO...
Read MoreThe Deer Lick and Stephan’s Quintet Group taken by David Ault of Georgetown

The Deer Lick and Stephan’s Quintet Group taken by David Ault of Georgetown on 10/10/2015 with a QSI 6120 camera through a Stellarvue SVR90T, prime focus. Mount: Losmandy G11 Acquisition: Data taken on the nights of the 5th, 6th, 9th and 10th of October during ESP 2015. 52 x 15 minute Luminance frames, 9 x 20 minute RGB frames (3 frames for each channel) In addition to the primary galaxy groups seen in the image there are many many smaller galaxies visible in the background as well as the integrated flux nebula (IFN). Full version can be found here:...
Read MoreFlame and Horsehead taken by Scott M of Sugarland

Flame and Horsehead taken by Scott M of sugarland on with a Sbig stl11000 camera through a Takahashi FS 128. Taken sunday morning last day ESP...
Read MoreSagittarius Region taken by David Ault of Georgetown

Sagittarius Region taken by David Ault of Georgetown on 10/24/2014 with a Canon 1100D camera through a EF-S 18-55mm @ 18mm F/5.6. Mount: fixed tripod Software: PixInsight Exposure: 30, 15 second exposures @ ISO6400 Since the Milky Way is so evident visually at ESP I thought I would try to capture it with my DSLR. This is my best attempt with Mars sitting right in the middle of the dark rift near the Lagoon Nebula. This image covers all of Sagittarius up into the bottom portion of Aquila. Pluto is also in the field of view and can be found in the raw data, but after re-sizing to post on the forum it gets lost in the...
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