NGC474 taken by David Ault of Georgetown

NGC474 taken by David Ault of Georgetown on 10/24/2014 with a ATIK 314E camera through a Stellarvue SVR90T w/ flattener. Mount: Losmandy G11 w/ OPWB Exposure: 66, 10 minute exposures taken over 3 nights – 10/20, 10/23 & 10/24 Software: Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2, PixInsight NGC474 is an elliptical galaxy about 100 Mly away which has tidal tails creating an interesting shell around itself. Visually it appears that this might be due to interactions with NGC470 and NGC476, both in the field of view, but the source of the tails is currently...
Read MoreHorsehead Nebula taken by Justin Daniel of San Antonio

Horsehead Nebula taken by Justin Daniel of San Antonio on 10/25/2014 with a Orion Starshoot pro v2.0 OSC camera through a Celestron 9.25 SCT with a 6.3 FR. Binning 1×1 with Celestron AVX mount. 15, 5min exposures stacked in maxim...
Read MoreM33 taken by Justin Daniel of San Antonio

M33 taken by Justin Daniel of San Antonio on 10/25/2014 with a Orion Starshoot pro V2.0 OSC camera through a Celestron 9.25 SCT with a 6.3 FR. Binned 2×2 with 15, 10min exposures stacked in maxim...
Read MoreHorsehead and Flame Nebulae taken by David Rivenburg of Austin, TX

Horsehead and Flame Nebulae taken by David Rivenburg of Austin, TX on 10/24/2014 with a Canon 5Dmkii camera through a TMB 105 prime...
Read MoreM33 taken by Scott M of Sugarland

M33 taken by Scott M of Sugarland TX on with a SBIG STL11000 camera through a M33 -15 3minbined2x2 Tak...
Read MoreM32 taken by Scott M of Sugarland

M32 taken by Scott M of Sugarland TX on with a SBIG camera through a M31 min15deg 3 minx36 Tak FS 102 STL...
Read MorePelican Nebula taken by Steve Grimsley of Houston

Pelican Nebula taken by Steve Grimsley of Houston on 11/05/2010 with a Cannon 20Da DSLR camera through a Astrophysics 155 EDFS refractor focal reduced to f/5.2. Standard Images Plus Stack. Slight color...
Read MoreVeil Nebula taken by Steve Grimsley of Houston

Veil Nebula taken by Steve Grimsley of Houston on 10/30/2008 with a Canon 20Da DSLR camera through a Astrophysics 155 EDFS refractor with focal reducer to f/5.2. Standard Images Plus Stack...
Read MoreNGC 1977 – Running Man Nebula taken by Dave Eisfeldt of Waco Texas

NGC 1977 – Running Man Nebula taken by Dave Eisfeldt of Waco Texas on 10/26/2011 with a ATIK 314L:+ camera through a Orion ED-80 on Sirius EQ-G mount. Stacked in Nebulosity and processed in Photoshop CS2. 25 minutes luminance. 45 minutes...
Read MoreM45 taken by Dave Eisfeldt of Waco Texas

M45 taken by Dave Eisfeldt of Waco TexaS on 10/26/2011 with a ATIK 314 L+ camera through a Orion ED-80 on Sirius EQ-G mount. 20 minutes luminance, 30 minutes RGB binned 2×2. Stacked in Nebulosity and processed in Photoshop...
Read MoreNGC2359 Thor’s Helmet taken by John Bozeman of Abilene, Texas

NGC2359 Thor’s Helmet taken by John Bozeman of Abilene, Texas on 10/28/2011 with a QHY9M camera through a Astro-Tech AT8RC. NGC2359 Thor’s Helmet LRGB L:8X600s, RGB:8X300s, both binned 2X2 October 28, 2011 Eldorado Star Party Camera: QHY9M Telescope: Astro-Tech AT8RC Mount: Takahashi...
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