ESP Door Prizes
The Eldorado Star Party (ESP) — offers great dark sky observing on the beautiful X Bar Ranch between Eldorado and Sonora, Texas. Attendees are serious amateur observers from around Texas and beyond.
Now in its 23rd year, ESP takes place October 20-25, 2025 and presents a great opportunity to capitalize on your Texas presence with minimum effort and expense. You need not even attend.
We invite your participation in this year’s Door Prize Drawing. Your contributions will be acknowledged:
- On our website with a link to your website, for approximately one year,
- At the Lodge, during door prize presentation of your product(s), and
- At the registration table, with literature placement.
We expect about 120 week-long attendees.
To contribute a door prize, please contact me at your earliest convenience with details, your URL (and optionally your company logo) for our website. I will provide you with the shipping address for your door prizes. If you wish to have your company’s literature at the registration table, please send it with your door prize contributions.
If also participating on site as a vendor, ESP does not charge a vendor fee. However paid-registration is required.
- Please register for the event at and
- Contact Stan Meador of X Bar Ranch ( ) to reserve a vendor spot.
Vendors must provide their own tables and chairs. Setup is outside in the field adjacent to the observing field, and you may staff your exhibit tables Monday thru Saturday anytime prior to observing hours.
We appreciate your support of the Eldorado Star Party! It will help bring the splendor of the night skies to young and old alike and, get more people involved in amateur astronomy while providing greater exposure to your products and company.
<ESP Vendor Coordinator 2025>
Eldorado Star Party staff