We had clouds moving through for a while last evening, but once again the sky cleared up for us, this time about midnight. Good thing to know: there are visually stunning views to be had by cruising a partly cloudy sky with binoculars. M7 and M6 with a very 3-dimensional dark cloud grouping that looked like it belonged in the Milky Way decorating the view and framing the objects was one of the most breathtakingly beautiful sights I’ve ever seen.
Nope, not going to give up hoping for clear skies on observing nights, but all of a sudden partly cloudy doesn’t seem to mean skip it and stay in anymore.
We have more viewing ahead for the weekend, plus guest speakers Stephen Odewahn, speaking on Galaxy Morphology and Evolution at 4:00 PM today, and Michael Prokosch speaking on Astronomy in Chile Educators Ambassadors Program at 4:00 PM tomorrow.
Doorprizes will be awarded on Saturday afternoon (must be present to win).