I’m planning to bring my fully-equipped Celestron NexStar 11″ GPS this year, available for sale!
Celestron NexStar 1
1″ GPS (black tube)
9×50 Finderscope and dovetail Mounting Bracket
Upgraded heavy-duty Tripod
Eyepiece holder tray (also rigidizes the tripod mount)
Starizona landing pad (for easy scope setup)
counterwight and dovetail mounting bar
FeatherTouch Focuser CPC-11
Starzonia Hand control bracket
coiled extension from Hand Controller to laptop USB port
Pelican carrying case for accessories
JMI Telescope Carrying Case w/deluxe wheels
11″ Solar filter – Kendrick BAADER AstroSolar Film
11″ Dewshield (orange tube)
$1,900 or best offer
Free transportation to Austin, Houston or Dallas Texas area!