[Includes coffee, tea, water] |
Monday Oct 20: — not available — |
Beef lasagna, sautéed green beans, Caesar salad, French bread, chocolate layer cream pie. $23 ($26 onsite) |
Tuesday Oct 21: Bronco chicken sandwich- grilled chicken breast with Swill cheese & bacon, served on a sweet sourdough bun, roasted potato wedges & fresh fruit $23 ($26 onsite) |
Grilled pork chops, buttered corn, squash medley, garden salad, biscuits, brownies. $23 ($26 onsite) |
Wednesday Oct 22: Off-site Christoval Winery tasting, complimentary glass of wine and pizza lunch buffet $33 ($35 at-door) 5000 A Cralle Rd, Christoval, TX 76935 |
Beef enchiladas, Spanish rice, pinto beans, chips and salsa, guacamole salad, lemon pie. $23 ($26 onsite) |
Thursday Oct 23: Chicken-fried steak with milk gravy, hash brown potatoes, steamed carrots, garden salad, homemade rolls, strawberry layer cream pie. $23 ($26 onsite) |
Chicken Piccata, steamed vegetables (squash, zucchini, carrots and broccoli), linguini, Caesar salad, garlic bread sticks, pecan pie. $23 ($26 onsite) |
Friday Oct 24: Cheeseburger sliders or grilled chicken sliders, roasted potato wedges & fresh fruit. $23 ($26 onsite) |
Catfish, French fries, hush puppies, broccoli, garden salad, homemade rolls, cherry cobbler. $23 ($26 onsite) |
Saturday Oct 25: Pork medallions in mushroom sauce, pan-stuffed potatoes, baby carrots, garden salad, French break, cookies $23 ($26 onsite) |
Pit-Smoked Bar-B-Que brisket & sausage, potato salad, cole slaw, beans, brownies w/ice cream $27 ($30 onsite) |
Menus subject to change without notice. Price includes tip and tax.
You can save by purchasing your meals in advance, on or before October 3, 2025.
We may cancel a meal by October 12, if there are insufficient volumes to support the caterer. You will be refunded the full price of any cancelled meal.
You can purchase a meal at the Lodge a day or more in advance of the meal. No walk-ins!
If you have already registered and only want to purchases meals, go to Meal Payment .
Please re-check this page for the latest information.